Steps to a Legal Cloud
How It works

Overnight Transfer to Amazon Web Services
We transfer all your applications, documents, and data to a private workspace on Amazon Web Services, the largest provider of cloud services. Amazon Web Services has more than 1 million customers. 2,000 are government agencies, including the Department of Defense and the CIA.
The transfer to a legal cloud workspace is usually completed in one evening.
The next morning your computer screens, including shortcuts and icons, remain exactly as before. But now you can access your documents and data from anywhere there is an internet connection.
And you can use any device – smartphone, iPad, laptop, or desktop. You don’t even need a bulky box under your desk anymore; a tiny $200 thin-client device along with monitor and keyboard will be sufficient.
24/7 Tech Support Included
With our cloud migration comes U.S. based tech support with a guaranteed response time of one hour … no matter what time or day you call.
Remote monitoring is included, which helps us predict and anticipate your team’s needs.

The Advantages to Switching
You will simplify, secure, and save by migrating to the cloud.
- Eliminate the work stoppages caused by technology breakdowns
- Transform the job of setting up and changing workstations to a quick and simple process
- Do away with all remote-access issues
- Simplify and increase collaboration across the firm
- Fully automate some work processes while streamlining others
- Deliver real-time backup of all work product
- Completely secure all data against ransomware and viruses
- Provide guaranteed one-hour tech support 24/7